

The web interfaces of OmicsAnalyst are designed to be self-explanatory. In cases of limited space, mouse-over balloon helps are available. The following tutorials are meant to complement the aforementioned information by providing step-by-step instructions for several of the most common tasks. Please note, due to frequent updates, some screenshot illustrations may be outdated. Therefore, we ask that users do not take those steps verbatim. Instead, users should focus on the the concepts and the workflow for data analysis and interpretation.

Source Code

OmicsAnalyst is implemented based on the JavaServer Faces framework using the PrimeFaces library ( The backend computing is based on R using the OmicsAnalystR package. The interactive visualization is based on the JavaScripts and leverages the WebGL technology for 3D visualization. We encourage users to use our public web servers for flexible and interactive data analysis tasks, and the R packages for batch processing. The source code is provided mainly for transparency. It is not intended to run as production server which requires advanced system admin expertise to set up and to maintain.