OmicsAnalyst is a comprehensive, user-friendly platform currently consisting of
six analysis tracks to enable a principled approach for exploratory multi-omics analysis:
Examining relationships among key experimental factors in the metadata table;
Analyzing individual omics data w.r.t. key experimental factors;
Exploring feature correlations between two omics layers;
Understanding patterns and covariance across multiple omics layers w.r.t. key experimental factors;
Biomarker analysis and performance evaluation using different omics features;
Identifying enriched functions in significant features or patterns (human and mouse only)
Ewald J., Zhou, G., Lu, Y., Kolic, J., Ellis, C., Johnson, J.D., Macdonald P.E. and Xia, J. (2024)
"Web-based multi-omics integration using the Analyst software suite" Nature Protocols
(doi: 10.1038/s41596-023-00950-4)
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Browser Suggestions
OmicsAnalyst has been developed and tested using Chrome and FireFox, although it also works in the lastest version
of Safari and Edge. We suggest you to switch to Chrome browser for best user experience.
Browser Suggestions
The Safari version 10.1 is known to have issues with OmicsAnalyst, we suggest you to upgrade to higher version or switch to Chrome browser or Mozilla Firefox for best user experience.
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